Papa Stan’s Soap and Candles

Papa Stan’s Soap and Candles

Papa Stan is a veteran of the United States Navy, Husband, Father of 6 wonderful children, Grand-father of 8+ grandchildren, animal parent (2 cats, 3 dogs and 2 parakeets), animal advocate, entrepreneur and lover of our Country, the greatest  Country in the World – America !!!
4 years ago, Papa became a vegan, choosing to stop eating ALL meat and meat proteins. After extended research, he discovered that the numbers of animals, mainly hogs and cows being raised for slaughter are a large contributing factor to the problems that the planet suffers from.
Upon becoming a vegan, Papa started  using health an d beauty products that are cruelty-free, sulfate free and animal protein free. After paying for these products, Papa decided to start his own lines of health and beauty products that are clean and natural.
Currently, our line only consists of soaps and soy candles, but that is only a start! Papa welcomes you to our website and he hopes that you enjoy our products!

Buy two body bars, get one FREE! Good through July 25th
805 N. Market St.
Oskaloosa, Iowa 52577
Phone Number:
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